Updated August 1, 2021
Any use or viewing of this website binds you to the terms of this agreement.
This website contains information termed as "Adult Information" that is deemed
for Adults. Adults defined as being eighteen years of age and older, or the age
of majority in your jurisdiction. Adult information furthermore consisting of
written text, phone numbers, links, and images.
Under penalty of law you are prohibited from accessing this website, and any
communication with anyone associated with this website, if you are not an adult,
(considered eighteen years of age and above or the age of majority in your
jurisdiction), or if you are offended by any or all of the Adult information,
contained within the website.
If in your jurisdiction Adult information is not legal, you are prohibited from
entering this website, and using services.
Upon entering the website, you are certifying both under oath and penalty of
perjury, pursuant to U.S.C. 1746 and any and all other applicable provisions of
United States, UK and Canada Laws, and attesting that the following are legal
conditions for your use, and the statements you attest to are true,
and that you
agree to any and all of the following:
I am eighteen (18) years of age or older. If you are not eighteen years of age
or older, do not enter this website.)
I do not find Adult information offensive portrayed in said website, offensive
or objectionable, being said, will leave said website if so.
Adult information on this website is the sole property of this website,
information may not be shared with anyone, especially anyone under the age of
18, or the age of majority in my jurisdiction. Website content may not be
copied, or used elsewhere.
Use of website is for my personal use only, and with not be shared with anyone
I am solely responsible for false disclosures, and my behavior resulting from
viewing Adult information of this website.
I agree to hold harmless anyone associated with Modatell LLC, any liability
resulting from viewing Adult information of this website.
I agree to the Terms of Usage of this website (all and any) of the above, and
that I understand the terms, if in the case that I do not, I shall not use or
view said website.
And, I will leave website now.
I acknowledge that I am responsible for all payment for use of the website
services, and also my behavior. Breech of such is a criminal offence and subject
to punishment by law.
I understand and agree to remit any and all monies due and owing for access to
and/or use of the website. If I simply refuse to make payment for same, if I
fail to make payment for same in a timely fashion or simply refuse to make
payment, Modatell LLC will attempt to collect all monies due and owing through
the use of any and all legal means available (direct calling, postal contacting
and invoices, transfer of transaction(s) to attorneys for collection, including
collection agencies. I also agree to assume the expense for these collections
and past due amounts. This include fees for incurring chargeback's, and also to
indemnify Modatell LLC for any and all costs associated with my use of their
All depictions of all persons on Our Website are of persons over the age of
eighteen (18) as of the date of the production of the depiction.
Our website does not contain Child Pornography.
We use no search terms to market the the impression that content contains any
underage exploitation or nonconsensual activity.
You must also agree that you are not seeking any form of pornographic material
involving minors, or child pornography, human trafficking, sex trafficking or
physical abuse.
Any knowledge that we have that you partake in active membership and
participation in an anti-human trafficking and/or anti-child exploitation will
be immediately reported
to authorities, without hesitation.
We have zero tolerance for material of this nature, and knowledge of this, will
result in legal actions resulting in criminal penalty. We will cooperate fully
with law enforcement if we suspect you are engaged in any such behavior or
illegal acts.
There are no third parties allowed to upload content to said website.
If You see any images or other depictions that are questionable, You agree to
report these images by emailing us at
and/or calling 1-866-804-7822.
We support a complaint process that allows for the reporting of content that may
be illegal or otherwise violates the Standards and will review and resolve all
reported complaints within seven (7) business days. In the event that such
review yields evidence of illegal content, the Merchant must remove that content
All inquiries, need to include date and time, and contact information.
Restrictive Use of Website:
You agree to only use this Website for purposes permitted and contemplated by
this Agreement.
You agree that the Use of the Site and Services, is solely at your own risk.
You will hold Us harmless from any liability that may arise for Us should You
violate any law.
Modatell LLC reserves the right to limit your use for any reason, without
This website containing the Adult information is solely for the purpose of
Entertainment only.